Archive for the ‘birdmonster’ Category

Contest: Win tickets to see Birdmonster at the Casbah TOMORROW night, 10/14

October 13, 2008

Birdmonster, a band from San Francisco, are playing the Casbah tomorrow night with the Rumble Strips. I have it on pretty good authority that they put on a really fun live show, and their music is just the right kind of bouncy, happy music that makes a Monday morning a little more tolerable. If you don’t believe me, take a listen:

Birdmonster – Born to be Your Man mp3

There are more songs on their myspace page, if you’re so inclined. I’ll be there for sure.

If you’re interested in winning a pair of tickets, email your full name to natkardos AT gmail DOT com with “contest – birdmonster” in the subject.